Sacagawea Webquest

This video gives a brief insight about Sacagawea 


Welcome, Middle School Social Studies students! Here you will be working on a WebQuest pertaining to Western Expansion. Your topic is Sacagawea and her participation in the Lewis and Clark Expedition. In this Webquest, your assignment is to create a video about this topic and be able to write a 1 page and a half research report as well. Good Luck, and Have fun! :]

About the Author

Lucre'ce Estropia is the creator of this Web-Quest assigned for students in grades 6-8. She is a 7th Grade AEP student at Frank R Conwell Middle School #4 in Jersey City, New Jersey. She believes that the history of America is very momentous and should be continued being studied and acknowledged. Lucre'ce thinks that Sacagawea is a significant Native American of the Shoshone Tribe who played a meaningful role in the Lewis and Clark Expedition of the Western Expansion.

Lucre'ce Estropia

Group D

Homeroom 326

Grade 7 A.E.P.

 Ms. Sirotiak- Social Studies

Culminating Activity 

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