

  1. Before you can start creating your video, you need to research about the life of Sacagawea and her contribution to the Lewis and Clark Expedition in Western Expansion.

  2. Creatively write a informative essay about this topic. (Minimum Length: 1 Page and half) (Font: Times New Roman Font Size: 12) (Note: Please do not double space. You may type or write out this essay)

  3.  Once you have finished writing/typing your essay, you may begin creating your video about the life of Sacagawea and her contribution to the Lewis and Clark Expedition in Western Expansion.

  4. You may create your video on Windows Movie Maker or iMovie on an Apple Computer. If you do not have any of these softwares, you may download it or reocrd a video of yourself talking about the topic.

  5. In your video include the following about Sacagawea: Birth date/Birth place. What was her Native Tribe? Who was Sacagawea and what did she do as a living? How was she part of the Lewis and Clark Expedition and how did she contribute to the Expedition? Was she married or did she have any children?

  6. Please include any other significant information about Sacagawea.

  7. Once you have added the in your video, decorate/design  and add effects to your video/movie.

  8. Once you are finished, do not forget to publish the video/movie!

  9. Have Fun! :]

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